I have a massive deadline with my web graphics gig right now, but sometime in the next two weeks I have a painting to start and finish. I bought a 24" x 48" canvas, but if that aspect ratio seems too constraining, I will resort to the 20" x 60" canvas I bought. Image will be a drive-in movie theater at night, abandoned, yet operating.... An old movie being projected onto the screen, in that faint and barely discernible brightness you experience as you're driving by.
As of right now, I believe I will use a screen cap from "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" as the movie image. That could change, but for now, that's what I feel like doing.
Here's an abandoned drive-in painting I did back in '93....
"The Tonto Drive-In Theater" Acrylic on Canvas, 28" x 72"
The Tonto was on the western outskirts of Winslow, Arizona, on what remains of Route 66, now a frontage road for I-40.
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